Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is globalization a problem or advantage?

Since United states won the well-know cold war, and the capitalism started to be the system which conquered the world, people has had a wrong definition of globalization in their minds. If something happens in Asia, it will be known in America almost instantaneously; diversity in the different countries of the world has provoked that people have lost their identity; by taking a plane, people can get from one continent to other in a few hours. Are we all the same? Will the countries disappear in the future? These are questions that people are always trying to answer.

Nowadays people think that globalization is destroying their societies, but it is not true. Every society adapts the globalization to itself. Chinese people are a perfect example of how society has to adapt itself to teh globalization. They are a powerful society, with a strong economy, they have the latest technology and as we all know, they are extremely organized. Despite of it, China has never lost its traditions and customs, and they have never been an obstacle for its development.

Why are we still afraid of globalization? In the world we have too many examples about countries that have not lost their roots or culture because of the globalization, and people keep on thinking that globalization will destroy what they are. It just depend of the society itself.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Santiaguinos's Life

Living in Santiago in a constant fight against everyone. For example, when you are walking along the streets of Santiago, you can feel de people’s hostility, you feel that someone will attack you in any moment. It means that you have to be protecting yourself all the time. Despite to It, santiago has too many nice places where you can have a good time with your friends, girlfriend or whoever you want. Nevertheless, the people who live in Santiago, do not go often to these places, they prefer to stay at home watching TV, or resting in their beds. That is why “Santiaguinos” are too distrusted among themselves. They do not have social life, they just think about themselves and the people who are around them. If only Santiaguinos were more empathic, the life in the city would be more confortable for everyone.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Destruction Therapy... Something That I Would Like to Try..,.

I was looking for something interesting to show you among all the things that you can find in internet, and finally, I have done it!
Have you ever heard something about "destruction therapy", or also known as "Destructotherapy"? If your answer is NO, take a look at this lines.
It consist in destroying all kind of stuff, such as cars, TVs, computers, etc. Obviously, all those appliances are not working, and the people practicing Destructotherapy must wear a special suit, gloves, helmet and boots. You can destroy a car, for example, using a hammer, a bat or maybe a saw. It will help you to liberate all your stress, all your rage, which you could use against someone if you do not liberate it.
This therapy has been applied in Spain, and it has worked incredibly. You can also practice it here, in Chile, but I could not find details about it.

Here you have a video about Destructotherapy!

Well, I hope you have learnt something new today, and remember, destroying appliances can be an exellent way to liberate your hidden rage.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Eye For An eye Leaves The Whole World Blind.

Let's imagine two babies who are fighting for a huge candy. Every time that one of them hit to the other, he/she will do it back. Finally they will be so damaged, and none of them will have the candy. It sounds so ridiculous, but it happens in the reallity. Obviusly, people fighting are not babies, and they don't fight for a candy, they do it for their land and they don't just damage each other, they kill each other, And that is not all; THEY DO NOT GET ANY SOLUTION TO THEIR PROBLEMS!
Is killing people a good way to solve their problems? I don't think so, and I'm sure that there are too many people who think in the same way. There is another cuestios: Is there another way to solve their problmes without break the rules of the religion? It's too hard to answer. I really think that it will finish when they destroy each other completely.